M J Benson


MJ Benson graduated with BFA in 1995 from the School of the Museum of Fine Art/Tufts University and from Harvard University in 2000 with an Arts in Education degree. Recent Exhibits include The Roaring Artist Gallery, Connections, Juried Artist - April-May 2021 Ocean House Gallery, Cape Elizabeth, ME - December 2020 Portland Art Gallery. Recent publications include Maine Arts Journal, Uppercase Magazine - All About You, and Portland Art Gallery’s - Off the Wall - Volume I.

“As an artist, I begin with the horizon, its ever steady line of delineation between the spaces of land, sky, sea. In between are layers and layers of light and color, sprung from my memory but unbound by realism. I use a framework, a few rules around composition or color, but it’s the tension between what I expect and what the work is telling me that dictates the flow and finish. I work, and wait, until the profound shifting between place and memory stills itself harmoniously into the piece.”


Rebecca Livesey-Wright


Olga Krasanova