Spilt Milk

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Anne-laure Carruth

As a creative explorer, I seek to navigate landscapes and observe, experience and visually depict them with the aim to ignite curiosity and inspire others to connect with the natural world. My creative practice sits within the realms of art, architecture, environmentalism, emotional/ spiritual growth and learning how to connect with the natural world in an authentic way. Sharing my joy of it’s energy and my relationship with it is the key to my work. Having struggled over the years with depression and anxiety, I have come to understand how vital spending time in wild places is to my wellbeing. Drawing and painting in these landscapes allows me to connect even more deeply with the environments I travel through, every mark I make brings me closer to my subject, the most captivating of muses: planet earth in all her wildness.

It’s been a brutal journey into motherhood so far, and my toddler and I are only just finding our feet. My creative practice has been in hibernation whilst I come to terms with Matresence but it’s been a very rich breeding ground for the work that is to follow, I’m curious and excited of what is to come.