I have been a creative practitioner since 1996, working in education and community settings, collaborating with families, schools, heritage and conservation organisations, community groups and universities, as well as artists from different disciplines. I have designed, delivered and managed projects from one to one interventions, to community celebrations with several thousand participants. I am also a horticultural therapist and forest school leader, working with people outdoors, experiencing and enjoying the natural world. I have been a home-educator, teaching art and bushcraft sessions home educated young people, as well as teaching about education in alternative settings at Derby University. As a visual artist, I draw on my love of being outside and exploring nature, stories and folk lore, social history and science. My inspiration is drawn from environmental settings, including allotments, regeneration areas and national parks and historic buildings. I use print, pewter, textiles and words, creating a variety of work including installations, jewellery and talismans, and mixed media, wall-hanging installations.


Ayshia Muezzin


Lu Heintz