Susie Frank

My current collage work is made from torn up pieces of paper which might relate to each other via colours, textures and content to form some kind of narrative, figurative or abstract image. My cut outs and rough edges combine to create a playful sometimes surreal sometimes dark images. I have always been drawn towards the scraps of paper, the packaging with eye- catching text, resourcefulness became second nature via my art college education and early 90’s squatting and festival culture. That process has been developed and led to creating collages of mixed metaphors and opposing layers. I have collected odd rolls of wallpaper, vintage Vogue magazines, unwanted screen prints from friends, children’s alphabet books from the car boot sales for over 30 years and have been an avid sketch booker since my Foundation course in Worthing.

My references are wide ranging from feminism and current cultural themes, anti commercialism as well as pattern and colour. My influences include Niki De St Phalle, Fred Free, Hannah Hock and Kurt Schwitters. Through my work I invite you to reflect on our fragmented society and how we are forced to live our lives focussing on making money rather than caring for others less fortunate, juggling more than we can manage. Since formal education, I have studied mental health, art therapy as well as a fine art degree, millinery, graphic design, and most recently in lockdown - tarot! I want to challenge the viewer to accept the imperfect, and hope to do this with a wink of humour.


Marilyn Kyle


Jen Workman